Community Solar Subscription
Land Lease
Roof Lease
Solar as a Service
Community Solar Subscription
Roof Lease
Solar as a Service
Community Based Programs
Community Solar Subscription
Community Based Programs
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Community Solar Subscription
Land Lease
Solar as a Service




Land Lease

  • Lease your unused land, open space, or parking lots to us
  • We will install a solar farm and sell the electricity to the utility company
  • You receive a base rent for the duration of the lease and we handle all operations and maintenance
Qualify My Property for Solar




Roof Lease

  • Monetize your roof by leasing it to us and receive annual rent payments
  • We install a fully maintained solar system on the roof and sell the electricity to the utility company
  • We fully warranty and ensure your roof
  • Great for commercial real estate owners that have minimal electric expenses
  • Need a new roof? We have the ability to cover a significant portion of the re-roofing expenses and incorporate it into the overall project
Qualify My Property for Solar




Community Solar Subscription 

  • Subscribe to the energy produced from a local solar farm and reduce your electric bill by an average of 6-7% per month
  • You don’t have to install any equipment, change any wiring, or spend any money to receive this benefit
  • We are able to help you by taking advantage of the excess energy credits available due to the state's push for clean energy
  • Great option for renters, property owners that aren't qualified for solar, non-profits, and small businesses
Learn More & Save Money




Solar as a Service 

  • We leverage our network of solar developers to design, permit, finance, and install a solar system on your property for little to no cost
  • Businesses and homeowners purchase the electricity generated from the system at a fixed rate, which allows them to have predictability and control in their electric expenses
  • This option gives you the ability to avoid the rising electric expenses due to the maintenance of degrading utility infrastructure, rising fuel costs, power plant operations, and the increase in severe weather conditions
  • There is limited risk for property owner since our solar partner is responsible for the system performance, operation, and maintenance
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Breiter Planet Home

  • Reduce your electric expenses, increase your property value, and own your own energy source
  • Leverage modern technology to operate a more efficient home
  • End electric grid reliance and keep your home powered when the grid goes down
  • Our team has built our careers in the residential solar industry and have immense industry expertise to recommend the best option and partner for your property




Community Based Programs 

Breiter Planet Properties works with communities across the country and world to collectively address local energy challenges, spark community action, and empower community leaders to accelerate the adoption of locally sourced clean energy.

Onsite Shared Solar
Offsite Shared Solar
Community Driven Financial Models
Community Group Purchasing

We know how confusing solar can be...

That's why it's so important to work with a personal energy consultant to guide you seamlessly through the solar exploration and implementation process






Breiter Planet Properties is a solar development and investment firm focused on financing and developing energy solutions for property owners and energy rate payers. 


We were founded with the intention of accelerating the transition to sustainable energy by deploying capital at scale. We do this by providing our clients with energy cost savings, reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, and energy independence.



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Our team works long hours on a daily basis to effectively bring value to our clients, our partners, and communities across the globe.
  • Solar Developer, Enviro-Capitalist, and Entrepreneur
  • Worked as an Energy Consultant for Tesla, SolarCity, SunRun and Next Step Living
  • Has extensive customer experience, marketing, sales, customer acquisition, project development, and finance experience
  • Studied Civil Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology
Andrew Breiter-Wu Circle Image

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